Site search

October 14th, 2019 less than 1 minute read

If you have hundreds or even dozen of posts, a search box added to your Jekyll site can be useful. With a few lines of code, you could add a search box, search engines provides snippets to do this easily. Here is a search box for DuckDuckGo1:

This snippet:

<iframe src=" DuckDuckGo" style="overflow:hidden;margin:0;padding:0;width:254px;height:40px;" frameborder="0"></iframe>

will output this:

Now, that search box will take users only to pages that are indexed by DuckDuckGo.

The theme has search backed in within the site, which will prompt pages relevant to a given inquiry. You can simply add an include:

{% include site-search.html %}

Will output the following:

  • site-search.html in _includes
  • search.json in assets
  • fetch in assets/js

The minified file with all JavaScript code is assets/js/main.min.js so you’ll need to rebuild the site js with the npm run uglify command to reflect change to JavaScript functions.

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